Herbal Medicine Course

Stage Two

The Discovering Herbal Medicine (DHM) Course has been designed to enable the herbal enthusiast to explore the healing relationship between the human body in health and disease and the wonderful remedial powers of herbs. This is stage 2 of 4.

Course Curriculum for Stage Two

Discovering Herbal Medicine Course

    1. Introduction to Module 4

    2. Lesson 1: Philosophy & Practice: Acute and Chronic Disease

    3. Lesson 2: Anatomy & Physiology: Digestive

    4. Quiz: Anatomy & Physiology

    5. Lesson 3: Pathology: Upper Digestive

    6. Lesson 4: Diagnosis: Upper Digestive

    7. Quiz: Pathology & Diagnosis

    8. Lesson 5: Materia Medica: Herbs for the digestive system

    9. Quiz: Materia Medica

    10. Lesson 6: Home Pharmacy: Choosing over-the-counter herbals

    11. Worksheet for Module 4

    1. Introduction to Module 5

    2. Lesson 1: Philosophy & Practice: Health Essentials

    3. Lesson 2: Anatomy & Physiology: Digestive & Nutrition

    4. Quiz: Anatomy & Physiology

    5. Lesson 3: Pathology: Lower Digestive

    6. Lesson 4: Diagnosis: Lower Digestive

    7. Quiz: Pathology & Diagnosis

    8. Lesson 5: Materia Medica: Herbs for a healthy bowel

    9. Quiz: Materia Medica

    10. Lesson 6: Home Pharmacy: "Milk Thistle Flax Seed"

    11. Worksheet for Module 5

    1. Introduction to Module 6

    2. Lesson 1: Physiomedicalism: Influence on Modern Herbal Medicine

    3. Lesson 2: Anatomy & Physiology: Respiratory, Cardiovascular

    4. Quiz: Anatomy & Physiology

    5. Lesson 3: Pathology: Respiratory

    6. Lesson 4: Diagnosis: Respiratory

    7. Quiz: Pathology & Diagnosis

    8. Lesson 5: Materia Medica: Herbs for the Respiratory Tract

    9. Quiz: Materia Medica

    10. Lesson 6: Home Pharmacy: Pelargonium Eucalyptus Ivy

    11. Worksheet for Module 6

About this course

  • £185.00
  • 33 lessons
  • 1 hour of video content